Tuesday 23 March 2010

Start the week

On Monday morning I joined the commuters into town; the first early trip to London for some months. Grey faces, grey suits and an air of weariness prevailed around me - where's their energy gone? A young mother got into the train compartment, struggling with buggy and an attempt to feed her baby while standing up. I felt my indignation rise as I gave her my seat and surveyed the blanked out Blackberry men hell bent on avoiding connecting. Maybe they're in desperate need to cushion their bodies against their daily schedule, so I let them be.

Along the bank of the Thames my day felt joyful with the sense: 'Yippee, it's Monday.' I met with colleagues who've become friends, people I trust implicitly whose company I love, and the whole day felt free and spacious. This 'yippee' mindset feels so light and easy as I choose my own agenda, own my time, my space, my life. When I do what my own book suggests I Live Life. Love Work.